trip #5 of '05
posted by a tired sharla, the night before departure. at best buy.
I'm off to the DR tomorrow morning at 6:30am. So clearly my choice to be at best buy at 10:42 the night before was a good one. Actually, I came by two hours ago to drop off my computer to have some work done while I'm gone. there's a chance that they'll actually replace my computer, so I'm buring all 1.4 gigs of my pictures to cds. that takes a while.
We have a very eventful trip coming up. I'm traveling with Christy and Mehul, who are working with me on our coffee venture. we have some business to take care of both in terms of exporting coffee and getting things we need for our austin coffee shop. we'll also be meeting with Rose, who will be visiting for the first time in preparationg for her new position that starts in January. please pray for us!
hook em.
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