continued amazement
i am continually amazed at the groups that the Austin Stone sends to work with us in the DR. this group arrived on friday and spent a few days with ruben before joining us on the north coast on sunday evening. even after traveling they endured my lengthy orientation on what would be happening in our english classes this week.
this group includes several elementary school teachers who were put in my group. they have been a such a blessing beyond my imagination. being the teachers they are, they took all of my plans and materials and taught class for me! it has been wonderful to watch them teach and see my students react to new faces and methods.
and after teaching all day, several from my group requested to meet up with the guys to help work on the new school house we're building. they put me to shame as they continued working and i returned the house for my shower!
the austin stone has also provided the money and manpower needed to begin some foundation and columns for this school house. they guys have been working super hard and are even working "over time" today. our presence in tamarindo (the neighborhood where the school is located and where the flood occured a few weeks ago) helps us to continue building relationships with the kids and families of this community.
thank you for your prayers!
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