This is a journal made by those who work for or work with Makarios. We invite anyone who has been involved with our work to post thoughts and stories. For more information on our organization, please visit our website at

Thursday, September 06, 2007

progress; puppies

kids are going to school in montellano (larger town where our project is located -- the more or less middle class villa built around the now defunct sugarcane plant in the middle of a trillion square kilometers of sugarcane fields, with a charming and perplexing sense of community built around civic duty and dominoes), and it's cute.

kids will soon be going to our school in tamarindo (smaller neighborhood where we build -- the poorer part on the unpaved road with the radioactive blue sludge creeping through town, just down a steep embankment and across the river from the hatian batey called pancho mateo, with a charming and beautiful sense of community built around kids with shovels and stickball), and it's slow and sometimes frustrating but just about ready for class.

here's progress in pictures:

roof (el techo)

stucco (el stucco)

floor (el piso)

paint (pintura)

kids (cute. like puppies)

crew (cute. like a dominican dog)


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