This is a journal made by those who work for or work with Makarios. We invite anyone who has been involved with our work to post thoughts and stories. For more information on our organization, please visit our website at

Monday, October 04, 2004

Oh Cedarville, our Cedarville

On my way to Ohio, I passed through Kentucky where I saw a sign that said, "used cows for sale." What is that all about? There's a little restaurant across the street from Cedarville that says "Best tea north of Texas." I just thought my Texas friends would appreciate that. I didn't actually try the tea though, so I can neither deny nor confirm their claim.

Things have been going very well here. I've met with a class and several individuals so far. Tomorrow I'll be meeting with some people in Career Services so that Makarios can be added to their official list of approved intership programs.

Please continue to pray for my safety and health. I need to take the car into the shop tomorrow to get the clutch looked at and I appear to be coming down with a cold. Otherwise, it's great to be back at "the 'Ville." I love it here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ancient Hebrews really had something to say about everything, didn't they, dad?

I found out that the "best tea north of Texas" was in honor of our president, who rode through town on his bus last week. Ever since that day, my friends' little 20 month old has been referring to George Washington on the dollar bill as "Bush!"

6:31 PM


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