This is a journal made by those who work for or work with Makarios. We invite anyone who has been involved with our work to post thoughts and stories. For more information on our organization, please visit our website at

Friday, March 31, 2006

sleeping through the night

We are currently taking care of an abandoned little Haitian boy. His mom gave birth to twins at 7 months and left the hospital with the healthier one. This little guy was left to die. He weighed two pounds and was badly malnurished when some friends of ours discovered him in the public hospital. We are in the process of getting information on adoption for a couple in the states who is interested. Please pray for baby Isaac, as he's being called. He now weighs 5 and a quarter pounds and is doing well. He enjoys partying at night and sleeping during the day and we are trying to teach him the value of sleeping at night!


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