This is a journal made by those who work for or work with Makarios. We invite anyone who has been involved with our work to post thoughts and stories. For more information on our organization, please visit our website at

Saturday, October 16, 2004

40 degrees and cloudy

It's 88 degrees in the DR, 86 in Austin, and I'm here in Ft. Wayne where it's 40 degrees. That's right. 40! I'm pretty sure, though, that the Lord does not have me here to enjoy the weather - which is good because I'm freezing (changing fall leaves only go so far)!

This week I met with two small groups from Blackhawk Baptist Church. Both of those meetings went well, and several people are interested in going down to the DR both short and long term. The groups were also a tremendous encouragement to me. I also had several meetings about our internship program and funding opportunities. I'm excited to see what will come of these encounters. Keep praying!

This morning I had the opportunity to help a friend take a group of Somali refugees grocery shopping. Some have been here for six months, and others just arrived in the past two weeks. There are about sixty living in Ft. Wayne right now, and another sixty are expected to arrive in the next few months. It was very cool to be able to meet these people and help them in a small way.

Tomorrow morning I'll be speaking in the young adults Sunday School class at Blackhawk and in the evening service at Grace Bible Church in Berne. This is the church that my dad pastored from about the time I was born until I was nine years old. I'm looking forward to going back and reconnecting with people after all these years.


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